The human brain is wired to protect us. Therefore many of us experience fear and anxiety when we are about to do something new we’ve never done before. However, in order to rise above our usual ways of living and behaving we must grow new brain connections and adopt a positive mindset. Each of these changes will allow us to stretch our mental and physical capacities and incorporate a much healthier way of living. 

This can be achieved by adopting small, incremental but consistent lifestyle changes that will allow us to experience better health. If improving your overall well-being is also your goal, you’re in the right place. Here are three unique approaches you can adopt that will help you live a more healthy and energised life. 

Implement Matcha Green Tea Powder in Your Daily Routine

matcha powder

If you usually wake up tired and without the energy to face the challenges of the day, you may find the culprit in the way you start your morning. According to health experts, mornings are the most important time of the day as they can set the tone for how you feel and behave throughout the rest of the day. 

Iff you usually start the day with a cup of strong coffee on an empty stomach and avoid eating breakfast, you may experience mid-morning crush, low energy and decreased productivity. To avoid this, you may reconsider the way you usually go about your daily routine and implement some changes that can help you experience more stable energy and improve your focus. 

For example, you may consider starting your day with a cup of matcha green tea powder rich in antioxidants called catechins and L- theanine which can help you combat the oxidative stress in the body and support your overall well-being. Besides, you don’t need to completely avoid consuming caffeine if you are not ready. Just like coffee, matcha tea contains high levels of caffeine content however the effects of how it gets released into your body are much different. 

Unlike coffee where the caffeine gets absorbed quickly, which may lead to sudden energy spikes that may later cause a crush, matcha green tea provides a steady but more sustained energy boost. This slow release of caffeine happens over a 2-3 hour period, due to the matcha’s unique combination of chemical properties. 

The matcha green tea powder is made from some of the finest, youngest, and smallest leaves from the tea bush. These powerful tea leaves are handpicked and meticulously processed during various stages to preserve their nutrient content and develop a rich, earthy flavour.

After the harvest stage, the leaves are placed in special shade tents away from sun exposure. Next, they are steamed to prevent oxidation and slowly ground into a superfine powder that has a vibrant green colour. You can add this unique powder to a wide range of drinks of your choice to enhance the flavour and absorb its nutritional benefits.

To give you some ideas, you can add a tablespoon of matcha tea powder to your morning smoothie or mix it into your yogurt to enjoy its calming and delightful taste. This will allow you to experience an energy boost, and enrich your diet with numerous antioxidants and essential nutrients that can help you lead a much healthier and energised life. 

Exercise Regularly

Drinking matcha green tea can do wonders for your overall health, however, you can’t expect to be healthy just by consuming this powerful powder. To boost your overall health and experience better focus and improved energy levels, you may as well consider incorporating various types of exercise into your daily routine. If you want to get the figure you’ll be proud to flaunt, you should try to exercise at least three times per week. 

To make your workout routine more enjoyable, incorporate a mix of various types of activities into your weekly, workout schedule. For example, you can hike in nature on weekends, go to the gym during the work week or enrol yourself in classes for dancing or yoga. Each of these activities can help you challenge your body and mind in a unique way.

This will allow you to associate exercise with fun and unlock your body’s potential for developing its full strength, flexibility, and endurance. Besides, what’s a better way to improve your focus and cardiovascular system, and give your body the right energy boost by simply engaging yourself in activities you love?

Practise Mindfulness and Meditation

Our mind plays a powerful role in whether or not we stick to the changes we’ve decided to make or fall back into our old habits of behaviour. This is why incorporating mindfulness and meditation in our daily routine plays a crucial role in achieving our dreams and changing ourselves in the process. 

To quiet the constant chatter that goes on in our minds, we must become at peace with our thoughts and become their observers. Don’t judge yourself if negative thoughts flood your mind when you start practising meditation. This is just a sign that your brain craves its old way of thinking. 

You may also find it uncomfortable in the beginning to sit on your own and stay quiet, just watching your thoughts and emotions pass by. However, after some period you will start to experience the incredible benefits that mindfulness and meditation offer. For example, you can start to develop better control over your thoughts and emotions and regain mental clarity and improved focus. 

Practising this daily can help you develop a stronger character and strengthen your mind-body connection by becoming more present in each moment of the day. As you develop your ability to become more grounded and mindful, you can learn how to better navigate the challenges in life. This, in turn, will allow you to improve your health and overall well-being and experience a deeper sense of balance and inner peace in your life.